Government of Madesh Province

Ministry of Agriculture and Land Management

Directorate of Agriculture Development

Agricultural Knowledge Centre

Siraha, Nepal

  • नरेन्द्र कुमार महासेठ
    Narendra Kumar Mahaseth

    Office head


  • परमानन्द चौधरी
    Parmanand Chaudhary

    Information Officer


Notice and News
Title Published Date Download
Notice of Selection of Beneficiary of Yantra Equipment and Kastam Hiring Centre 2081-02-23
Regarding the publication of the notice of registration of agricultural machinery 2081-02-20
कार्यक्रममा छनौट भएका नामावली प्रकाशन गरिएको सम्वन्धमा । 2081-02-03
Title Published Date Download
Press Release 2080-11-26
Title Published Date Download
Legal documents
Title Published Date Download
Subsidy mobilization procedures in the agricultural sector, 2076 2078-06-15
Custom hiring center establishment and operation method 2077 2078-06-01
Sallow Tuwell Operating Procedure 2077 2078-06-01
Title Published Date Download
Subsidy mobilization in the agricultural sector 2078-06-14
Agricultural produce storage in public private and cooperative partnership 2078-06-01
Title Published Date Download
Title Published Date Download
कृषि बजार कार्यक्रमको लागि अनुदान प्रस्ताव गर्ने आवेदन फारम 2080-12-21
